An event for Eryri and Gwynedd Ambassadors only. 

Eryri and Gwynedd Ambassadors are invited to learn about the constellations with Eryri National Park Authority's Dark Skies Officer in a wonderful setting. 

The evening will include a talk and presentation about the mythology of the constellations and a chance to get out and enjoy the stars under the guidance and expertise of the officer. A paned and soup will be served.



  • Cost: Free
  • Date: 19th of November
  • Time: Starting at 18:00pm
  • Location: Yr Ysgwrn, Trawsfynydd, LL41 4UW

Further details will be sent to those booked ahead of the event. There are limited spaces available, so booking is essential.


Cwrs Llysgennad Parc Cenedlaethol Eryri – Llysgenhadon CymruLlysgennad Gwynedd Ambassador


Grant award logos | Arts Council England

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An evening under the stars at Yr Ysgwrn, Trawsfynydd


Join us for a special event exclusively for Eryri and Gwynedd Ambassadors on November 19th at Yr Ysgwrn, Trawsfynydd. Discover the constellations with our Dark Skies Officer.
