Making Wales' busiest mountain a plastic-free mountain

Yr Wyddfa is Wales’ busiest peak. Hundreds of thousands reach the summit each year. Unfortunately, like many popular destinations in the National Park, the mountain has become victim to plastic pollution.

What is Plastic-Free Yr Wyddfa?

Yr Wyddfa is the most popular mountain in Wales and litter is becoming a real threat to its sustainable future. Plastic waste in particular can be found littering the trails and surrounding areas, and if left unchecked, this problem will only worsen over time.

Plastic-Free Yr Wyddfa is an important and ambitious step in protecting the mountain’s sustainable future.

What can I do?

Here are things you can do to help us make Yr Wyddfa plastic-free.

How can we all be heroes?
Our survey work shows that 85% of people take responsibility for their rubbish, and 71% of people take it home with them. Be part of the solution and make sure you are in that group.
No litter too small
Think especially about small items like wet wipes and cigarette butts. These build up over time and can cause the most damage.
Where can I refill before the hill?
Instead of buying single use plastic bottles, bring a reusable one and fill it up before you start your hike.
Banana peels are litter too!
All organic waste is rubbish - it takes much longer to bio-degrade on Yr Wyddfa due to the weather conditions and altitude. These waste types can also damage the local environment.
How can I go reuseable?
You can refuse single use plastics when you’re shopping and bring your food and drinks in reusable containers. It’s better for the planet and less likely to be blown away in the wind.
How can I plan ahead?
Think ahead about what you’re putting in your rucksack and how you can make your visit plastic-free, leaving no trace of your trip on the mountain!
Three hikers on the Miners Track with Yr Wyddfa's summit in the distance.
Packing for your plastic-free adventure

Find out what you should pack to aid the campaign to make Yr Wyddfa the first plastic-free mountain in the world.

Plastic-Free Packing

Bananacam logo
How long does it take for a banana peel to biodegrade?

Introducing Bananacam—a solar-powered live feed of a banana peel biodegrading at altitude.


A make-up artist gives finishing touches to a model's make up on location on a promotional shoot.
Bringing legends to life to inspire change

Legendary characters of the Mabinogion bought to life to inspire positive change on Yr Wyddfa’s slopes.

Plastic-Free Mabinogion

We've got an idea
Examples of Single Use Plastics

Here are some examples of the most found single use plastic items picked up by our volunteers (yes, these all contain plastic!)

A graphic of a water bottle in navy blue
Drinks bottles
Takeaway coffee cups
Sweet and crisp wrappers
Cigarette butts
Wet wipes

Why ‘Plastic-Free’?

Plastic is a light, flexible and low-cost material that is practical for lots of uses. The world produces plenty of it too – almost 400 million tonnes a year.

Unfortunately, it has its drawbacks. Plastic is made from chemicals that come from the production of planet-warming fuels such as oil and gas. If not properly disposed of, it can have damaging effects on our wildlife and landscapes; and end up in our rivers and oceans, causing further harm. It can take hundreds of years to biodegrade, and even then, it only breaks down into smaller and smaller pieces, called micro-plastics. Toxic microplastics can enter our water courses, and the food chain. A recent survey showed that soil samples from Yr Wyddfa already are made up of up to 5% microplastics.

By reducing plastic waste on yr Wyddfa we’re also shining a light on the broader issue of littering in in the national park. By designating Yr Wyddfa as a ‘Plastic-Free Zone’, we can leverage the big impact of ‘Plastic-Free’ messaging and raise awareness of the damage other waste types have on the mountain too (banana peels included!).

What does ‘Plastic-Free’ mean?

Making Yr Wyddfa plastic-free can’t happen overnight, so the National Park Authority will be embarking on the ‘Plastic-Free Path’ together with visitors, businesses and schools, and learning from each other to protect our mountain. The goal is to reduce the volume of single use plastics sold, used, and discarded on and around Wales’ busiest mountain. The hope is to eliminate all unnecessary plastics from the waste-stream in the future!

Efforts will be focused on Single Use Plastics (SUP) for the project, as it’s these items that are found most often on Yr Wyddfa, as well as where we think we can immediately effect change.

Plastic Free Yr Wyddfa logo on a dark-blue background.
Are you a business operating in the Yr Wyddfa area?
Your business can help make Yr Wyddfa the first plastic-free mountain in the world.
Plastic-Free Businesses